Motherhood Proves That You Can Never Be Ready for Anything – You Just Need To “Dive-In”

Today is Mothers’ Day and thanks to COVID-19 (no thanks) and a spike in community cases, celebrations are rather muted (or rather, non-existent).

I still remember when I was pregnant with my first child and told my mentor that I was not ready for motherhood. After raising 3 grown kids of her own, her wise and poignant reply left a deep impression, and her words stuck with me until today.

“You will never be ready; you just need to dive in.”

Case in point, if I had tracked the number of the firsts that I’ve experienced in the last few years, I would say a good 80% of it had to do with bringing up a child – including how to hold and bathe a newborn, hitting the A&E in the middle of the night over rashes, and traversing the mind-boggling process of trying to understand a tiny human who couldn’t speak a single word.

And the last 1 year hasn’t been subtle in highlighting the need to really roll up my own sleeves to dive in. Many things that I can previously simply outsource had fell into my lap, including home-based learning, and trying to keep the children occupied.

I guess in a way, it applies to my professional live too. The past 2 years have been nothing but a roller-coaster ride of learning new responsibilities and going out of my comfort zone.

So, what have you been up to lately?

About Kaye
Grew up in Singapore, stood on the cusp of the internet revolution, and surfed it (literally). My “cloud” was made up of FTP servers and free VM software, my “WiFi” was LAN cables that ran across the walls in trunking that my dad hand-laid. I learned to code in Turbo Pascal, and subsequently, Delphi (if you know them, you’re probably as old as I am, or older). 🙂

I’m fascinated by all things digital and still bear nostalgia towards childhood gadgets. My first Pentium-I PC that ran on Windows’98 which I hand-coded my entire A-Levels computing project with, the comforting sound of the 56K modem, the fun I had with the Nintendo Popeye Handheld, the fights with my siblings over who got to use the landline, and my original Nokia 3310 that’s still sitting somewhere in my mom’s house. Not to mention the grande dames of the living room – the television sets that I grew up watching.

I would love to hear your thoughts on my articles. So do connect with me and let me know what you think of my articles.! 🙂

Connect with me:
Twitter: @kayehau